Evidenced Solutions: Partnering for
Success Effectiveness Change Efficiency Efficacy Policy Advocacy Design Programming Implementation
Meet Jessica
Jessica R. Norton, PhD
Dr. Jessica Norton is the founder and lead researcher of JRNR Consulting, LLC. Jessica earned her Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Science and a Certificate in Advanced Research Methods for Developmental and Family Science from Auburn University. This training built her expertise in program development, evaluation, and advanced research methods on youth and family relationships. Jessica has led and supported research and evaluation efforts with interdisciplinary teams in academia, governments, and private organizations. She uses her training and experience to advance evidence-based research, programs, and policies tailored to benefit children, adolescents, and families.
Jessica is passionate about advancing scientific research in policymaking that benefits children, youth, and families. She teaches Social Policy courses at Auburn University and is an active member of several national research associations. She enjoys working with clients to help them connect the dots from their goals to outcomes. Jessica collaborates with a diverse group of researchers and consultants to meet the needs of each project.

JRNR Consulting
JRNR Consulting, LLC provides policy advisement, research and evaluation, and program design and development services for researchers, practitioners, and organizations committed to the well-being of children, youth, and families. We are passionate about improving your program, evaluating your impact, or navigating intricate policy challenges. We would love to discuss how my support can help you reach your goals.
Our Consulting Services

JRNR’s policy to practice advisement service supports clients’ efforts to develop evidence-based policies and practices through research, programming, and evaluation. Jessica can help you use or build evidence for social policies.

Building evidence takes time and expertise. We provide tailored research and evaluation services to support your evidence-building activities, including research and evaluation design, data analysis, scientific writing, subject matter expertise, team support, and more.

Program Design
Are you starting from scratch? We can help you connect the dots between your goals and ideal outcomes. This collaborative service will help you map out your program and identify the appropriate activities for its success.
Recent Projects & Publications
WestEd's Justice and Prevention Research Center
"Research on the factors that contribute to male gang involvement is extensive and varied. It includes studies of environmental, cultural, and social factors that increase the risks of gang involvement or lead to gang involvement, including how these factors vary by race and ethnicity. These factors are typically referred to as “push” and “pull” factors. Push factors are external to the gang (e.g., history of abuse, lack of parental support or supervision) and push an individual toward membership, and pull factors are internal to the gang (e.g., street credibility, protection, economic benefits) and draw an individual into membership. This paper extends the focus on push and pull factors by providing a systematic review of research from the past decade specific to female gang involvement."
Sutherland, H., Norton, J... & Fronius, T. (2024). Push and pull factors for female involvement in gangs and collateral involvement in sex trafficking: Systematic review of research. Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Office of Children, Youth and Families.
Urban Institute & National Diaper Bank Network
Research Advisory Council Member
"The project will form a research advisory council, which will include individuals with lived experience as well as researchers and practitioners in the areas of financial security programs, early childhood, and basic material needs. Ongoing engagements with advisors will shape the research agenda and dissemination efforts as well as provide an opportunity to share new evidence with key decisionmakers to inform the field."
WestEd's Justice and Prevention Research Center
In Progress: Assisted WestEd’s Justice and Prevention Research Center in examining the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) funding focused on racial and ethnic disparities in U.S. juvenile justice systems. JRNR gathered descriptive data on the R/ED funding mechanism to understand what resources may be available to evaluate the impact of these funds. Tasks included exploring the availability of quantitative data to understand the impact of Title II funding to identify and reduce racial and ethnic disparities (R/ED) among youth who come into contact with the juvenile justice system and gathering qualitative data from researchers and administrators of the Title II awards. The final products included draft documents, including a literature review, interview protocol and summaries, sample state profiles, and limitations and recommendations for building a state and national evaluation.

Delivering Science as a Service
Build & Use Evidence to Connect Your Goals to Your Outcomes